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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2024 TWO Support the PCBS Act anks to Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-CA- 16) and Blake Moore (R-UT-1), the House is now considering the "Protect- ing Circuit Boards & Substrates Act," legislation that would provide $3 billion for R&D, facilities, and workforce devel- opment along with a 25% tax incentive for companies buying American-made PCBs and substrates. is bill continues to gain co-sponsors and the attention of policymakers. More support is needed. THREE Bring the Senate Into the Conversation For several years, senators from both sides of the aisle who understand the synergy of national security and industrial policy have led the fight to bring high-tech manufacturing back to the United States. e PCBS Act needs a Senate companion bill, and the same cham- pions who led the CHIPS fight should step up and help industry secure the rest of the micro- electronics ecosystem. ere are plenty of issues for our elected representatives to disagree on, but rebuild- ing industrial capacity and securing our supply chains should be a bipartisan priority. is is the year to act. e PCBAA believes in and fights for mar- ket fairness and a level playing field on which U.S. PCB and substrate manufacturers can compete and win. is is the year to join our effort by visiting us online or contacting me directly. PCB007 Travis Kelly is CEO of Isola and chair of the Printed Circuit Board Association of America. To read past columns, click here. bility. e Defense Production Act Investment Program (DPAI) is how this support is made real. Congress has obligated approximately $150 million for investments in microelectron- ics using the Defense Production Act. Two recent awards include: • $46.2 million to GreenSource Fabrication LLC via the DPAI. e award will enhance production capabilities at a manufactur- ing facility of state-of-the-art IC substrates, high-density and ultra high-density inter- connect, and advanced packaging. • $39.9 million via the DPAI to Calumet Electronics Corporation to enhance capa- bilities to produce high-density build-up (HDBU) substrates, which include high- density interconnect printed circuit board cores and HDBU layers. While these actions are helpful, America needs to make a sustained, robust investment in manufacturing the microelectronics that power all aspects of modern life. at's why PCBAA and IPC have jointly called on Con- gressional appropriators to increase DPAI funding for microelectronics in 2024 and beyond.