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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2024 political trends and COVID have shied mind- sets toward addressing this risk. Our manufac- turing base continues to be challenged with engaging the new workforce, but I think a lot of progress is being made in acquiring and training talent and re-fortifying our industry. Some reports indicate that there is a record amount of growth through new and expanded PCB shops in North America. Given Summit's growth trajectory over the past several years, does this feel true to you? Our industry has grown from its low point more than eight years ago, but cycles con- tinue, and growth can be difficult to attain at Shane Whiteside Discussing PCB Landscape Feature Q&A With Shane Whiteside SUMMIT INTERCONNECT Summit Interconnect began as a printed cir- cuit board manufacturing company just eight years ago and has seen impressive growth organically and through acquisition. Summit President and CEO Shane Whiteside takes a few moments to share his thoughts on the growing PCB industry in the United States. How do you feel about the current landscape in the United States for manufacturing and electronics? Shane Whiteside: I see improvement in the North American electronics sector resulting from an increase in awareness by OEMs and political leaders toward supply chain risk. Geo-