PCB007 Magazine


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48 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2024 associated with over-reliance on a single man- ufacturing hub. Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam and ailand, are primary beneficia- ries of this movement. Notably, projections suggest that by 2025, more than a quarter of the top 100 PCB suppliers could have operations in these countries, underscoring their growing significance in the global supply chain. ere has been a resurgence of local PCB shops across various regions catering to niche mar- kets with agility, customization, and proximity to customers. is trend toward decentraliza- tion and diversification within the PCB indus- try reflects stakeholders' quest to enhance flex- ibility and resilience in supply chains, juxta- posed against the backdrop of globalization. AI-driven Demand for Complex PCBs e proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is driving demand for com- plex PCBs capable of supporting advanced functionalities. Flexible substrates, AI acceler- ators, and 3D printing are revolutionizing PCB design, enabling the development of highly sophisticated systems capable of handling high-frequency transmissions and mixed-sig- nal processing. As AI applications continue to proliferate across various sectors, from data centers to autonomous vehicles, the need for specialized PCBs is expected to soar, further fueling investment in advanced manufacturing capabilities. In 2024, forecasts predict +8.5% in ML PCBs driven by AI servers and high-speed networking, as well as +5.9% mostly driven by AI edge devices. Recyclable PCBs and Sustainable Practices In line with growing environmental con- sciousness, the PCB industry is witnessing a shi toward recyclable materials and sustain- able practices. Innovations in materials science and manufacturing processes are enabling the

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