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SEPTEMBER 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 35 data, and then the pads and component shapes are automatically generated by the soware. If necessary, you can fine-tune how the sol- der paste print pattern is carried out. en the program is published. It's basically a digital stencil. To start printing a new batch of circuit boards, you select the print program and the number of boards to produce. Just press start, and that's it. is process can be further automated when you have CFX and Hermes capabilities, which allow you to get information about transport width, etc. We have been talking for some time about Industry 4.0 capability. e jet printer is the only application that can fulfill Industry 4.0 because otherwise, there is always some hard- ware to be changed. For example, you need to change the stencil, and there are ways to auto- mate this. A pure soware changeover—which Industry 4.0 is aiming for—can only happen with a jet printer. With the recent release of MYPro Create, our first version of multi-machine programming, we make programming of the machines even easier. Using one program for all Mycronic machines is what we aim for. It would be easy to imagine a jet printer being connected to the entire line and getting feedback through CFX from inspection, for example, allowing the printer to make slight adjustments to a particular pad or region of the board to resolve inspection data failures. You can also do board repair and inspection, adding paste only where it's needed. is is another way to use the jet printer to improve the quality of your print. Thank you, Wolfgang. It's been great to meet you. Same to you, Nolan. SMT007

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