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16 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 In the complex world of electronics manu- facturing, the humble solder paste plays a piv- otal role. Oen overshadowed by more con- spicuous electronics assembly equipment and materials, this blend of powdered metal and flux is the unsung hero that binds the elec- tronic circuits together. But beyond its adhe- sive and conductive properties, the selection of the right solder paste is crucial for ensuring the long-term reliability of electronic devices. In this article, we delve into the nuances of solder paste selection with insights from Tony Lentz, field application engineer at FCT Assembly and a seasoned specialist in the field of soldering materials. Tony explains why choosing the right solder paste isn't just a tech- nical detail but a strategic decision that can make or break the overall reliability of an elec- tronic product. From ensuring optimal ther- mal performance to preventing premature fail- ures, the right solder paste is a cornerstone of reliable, high-performance electronics. As we explore the intricacies of solder paste formulations and their impact on reliabil- ity, you'll gain a deeper understanding of why this seemingly modest material deserves your attention—and how it can influence the future of technology. What are the main factors to consider when selecting a solder paste for a specific application? Tony Lentz: e first factor is the solder alloy. is is based on the requirements of the PCBA The Pivotal Role of Solder Paste The Knowledge Base Feature Column by Mike Konrad, SMTA

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