SMT007 Magazine


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6 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 COLUMNS Solder Printing: A 1:1 Ratio of Technical and Creative by Nolan Johnson Our Strength Comes From Working Together by Tom Yang ARTICLES PCB Surface Topography and Copper Balancing Under Large Form Factor by Neil Hubble and Gary Brist Some Fundamentals of Tin-Bismuth Metallurgy and Electromigration by Prabjit Singh, Raiyo Aspandiar, Haley Fu, and L. A. Swaminathan HIGHLIGHTS MilAero007 SMT007 Top Ten DEPARTMENTS Career Opportunities Educational Resources Advertiser Index & Masthead 8 66 52 72 42 86 89 96 97 26 SEPTEMBER 2024 • ADDITIONAL CONTENT 8 66 72 SHORT Breakthrough for Next-generation Digital Displays

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