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SEPTEMBER 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 51 rial suppliers are responding with materials that require heat on the product. If the product is not heated, it is difficult for small quantities of material to get that capillary action under- neath the flip-chip, for example. So, both are related to each other in that case. How does Camalot convert these trends into specific feature sets for customers? ere are plenty of options that we offer in dis- pensing. It could be from a productivity stand- point, with smaller footprint on the assembly line should you want more productivity out of a certain footprint. To handle those productiv- ity requirements, we've developed a dynamic dual-head technology that is a fast and accu- rate solution for dual-head simultaneous dis- pensing. You can dispense on two products at the same time, doubling the productivity of the machine. is dynamic tool head is a mini X-Y drive system, which goes on the second Z-axis, allowing for synchronous dispensing regard- less of part-to-part rotation or scaling. e parts can be rotated with respect to each other in the tray or panel. When dispensing underfill, for example, you may want to maintain the PCB at a certain tem- perature. If the requirement is 90°C, you want to make sure that the PCB is within the tem- perature range of 85–95°C to dispense underfill material. e infrared sensing is a closed loop monitoring of the PCB temperature, ensuring dispenser process stability and yield improve- ments for underfill applications. is is impor- tant because if the temperature of the PCB is too low, it could reduce the capillary flow reac- tion of the underfill. It could have less mois- ture absorption, which could lead to voiding, or it could also have flux defects because the flux residue didn't melt. If the temperature of the PCB is too high, then that underfill can gel before the flow is complete and that could lead to defects. People are looking for board tem- perature monitoring to make sure they are dis- pensing at the correct temperature. e other option is a syringe cooler. is helps maintain the syringe at a controlled tem- perature within the heated machine environ- ment. If your cartridge or the syringe with the material is sitting inside the machine at 50–60°C, it could activate the polymer reaction between the resin particles within the material inside the cartridge, altering its viscosity and leading to dispensing defects. To maintain that cartridge at a certain temperature near ambi- ent 25°C, you need to ensure the syringe is not being exposed to the outside machine temper- ature. To protect that, you need to maintain that syringe to ensure that the pot life and the working of the material are maintained. Another feature is the tilt-and-rotate, allow- ing you to gain access for dispensing on side- walls or dispense around tall components. e tilt-and-rotate has rotary actuators, which are servo-driven to provide fast, high precision and zero backlash. With the pneumatic imple- mentation, the backlash problem exists, which means you might specify 30°C, but it might go to 30.2°C. Precision is important when posi- tioning the tip of the jet valve needle. is tilt- and-rotate feature has been on the market for two years, and it's getting good traction with our customers. Sunny, thank you very much. This has been enlightening. You're welcome. SMT007 Camalot Prodigy manufacturing.

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