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40 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 on the ability of the manufacturer to be nim- ble and respond quickly to customer or inter- nal demands. Solder paste jetting allows for a significant reduction in setup time and costs. Engineers can test multiple design variations rapidly without the turnaround time and over- head of producing new stencils for each revi- sion. is not only accelerates the develop- ment cycle but also allows for greater experi- mentation, including solder paste volume and dot size with different component placements and board layouts. e ability to make adjust- ments on the fly ensures that the final design is optimized before moving into mass produc- tion, thus reducing the risk of costly errors. Medical devices In medical electronics, where reliability and precision are critical, solder paste jetting pro- vides the necessary accuracy and consistency, especially for complex and high-density boards used in diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. is has been especially true with miniature wearable and implantable devices. Aerospace and defense Solder paste jetting technology benefits these industries because it can handle high- density interconnects and demanding reliabil- ity standards. Eliminating the need for stencils adds an additional layer of IP protection, as no design files have to leave the building. Advanced packaging As electronic packaging becomes more sophisticated, with technologies like 3D ICs and fine-pitch components, solder paste jet- ting offers the precision needed for effective soldering and bonding of these complex pack- ages. Consumer electronics High-end consumer electronics, such as smartphones and wearables, oen use supple- mental solder paste jetting to manage the high density of components and achieve the accu- racy necessary to reliably deposit solder on fine-pitch requirements of modern designs. Conclusion Solder paste jetting has advanced enough that it can now be used in a wide variety of unique ways. is technology offers another tool in the assembly process that can regularly solve both unique and routine process chal- lenges. Solder paste jetting will not overtake the raw speed of stencil printing, but its abil- ity to handle the challenges of the finest pitch components, and the vast array of additional applications that it can be applied to, means that this technology will grow in both imple- mentation and acceptance. It is conceivable that most electronics assembly will involve some contribution from solder paste jetting as the industry and technology evolve. SMT007 Josh Casper is regional sales manager, west region, Horizon Sales.

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