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44 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 People have been talking about a "conver- gence" of PCB and IC design, with each dis- cipline having a solid understanding of the other. Are we approaching this convergence in the near future? is is correct. With the disaggregation of ICs into heterogeneously integrated systems, design methodologies become very complex. Modern design flows must include digital/ analog/RF IC design and verification tools, multi-chiplet advanced package design and characterization tools, and PCB layout and analysis tools. In addition, thermal plays a much more significant role in these ultra- h i g h - d e n s i t y d e s i g n s . Mo v i ng f o r w a r d , mechanical stress and war page become Figure 3: 3D packaging vs. chip/wafer stacking. Figure 4: The convergence of electrical/optical/mechanical 3D systems and chips leads to extremely complex design flows.

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