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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2023 Have you ever played the game where you and your team try to build the tallest tower out of marshmallows and dry spaghetti (and sometimes tape) within a time limit? If you've played this fun game before, you know it's meant to test problem-solving skills and build teamwork. But what if I told you that you've been play- ing this game all wrong? I assume that, if you played this game today, your team would start by brainstorming how to build the best base, as well as the strongest and tallest tower, out of the available materi- als. Your team would likely spend 50% to 70% of the time limit on brainstorming and the last 30% to 50% building your tower. In contrast, a group of kids given the same challenge will start building their tower right away; when their tower falls, they will start over with a new design. A group of kids will repeatedly test varying prototypes until they achieve the tallest design. ey see what most adults don't when the test begins: ere is no right answer. Why do kids tend to succeed at this game better than adults with more life experience? I think it's because we don't work that problem- A Tale of Two Towers The New Chapter by Paige Fiet, TTM-LOGAN