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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2023 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 17 Taiyo America, Steve Keller Coating With Robotic Technology Paige Fiet sits down with Steve Keller of Taiyo America to discuss the benefits of using robotic technology such as Taiyo Circuit Automation's AT-100 for coating PCBs. Indium Corporation, Chris Nash Automotive Electrification Nolan Johnson talks with Senior Product Manager Chris Nash of Indium Corporation, who discusses Durafuse LT, a novel solder paste mixed alloy system with highly ver- satile characteristics that enable energy savings, high- reliability, low-temperature, step soldering, and assem- blies with large temperature gradients. Koh Young, Joel Scutchfield New Innovations From Koh Young Joel Scutchfield, general manager and director of sales for Koh Young America, Inc., shares with Nolan Johnson new innovations from Koh Young, including the company's next generation GUI software, evolution of the KSmart software, and investigative R&D for advanced packaging.

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