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24 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2024 First, involving fabricators in floorplanning bridges design intent and manufacturability. Fabricators bring practical insights into the materials and processes that will be employ- ed during manufacturing. is collaboration ensures that the floorplan not only aligns with the functional requirements but also optimizes the placement of components for enhanced manufacturability. One notable advantage is optimizing com- ponent placement for both performance and manufacturability. By integrating the expertise of fabricators, designers can strategically posi- tion components to minimize trace lengths. is reduction in trace lengths enhances signal integrity and streamlines the routing process during layout. e result is a PCB that meets design specifications in a manner that is inher- ently easier and more efficient to fabricate. Benefits e benefits of collaborative floorplanning extend beyond conceptual advantages to tan- gible, quantifiable improvements in PCB per- formance and manufacturability. Reduced trace lengths, for instance, can be quantified in terms of signal integrity improvements. Stud- ies have shown that a collaborative approach in floorplanning can lead to a noteworthy percentage reduction in trace lengths, result- ing in a marked enhancement in signal integ- rity metrics. Another quantifiable benefit arises from incorporating thermal considerations during floorplanning. By strategically placing heat- generating components and optimizing thermal pathways, designers can achieve better heat dis- sipation characteristics. is, in turn, contrib- utes to enhanced manufacturing efficiency as it mitigates potential heat-related issues during the assembly process. e quantifiable metrics range from reduced manufacturing time (due to fewer thermal-related defects) to an overall increase in the yield of fabricated PCBs. Optimizing Material Selection Early discussions on material choices with fab- ricators wield a significant impact on the overall success of PCB fabrication. e choice of mate- rials directly influences the performance, reli- ability, and cost of the final product. In the realm of PCB design, where the selection of materials

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