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MARCH 2024 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 19 specializing in high-frequency and wireless communication technologies. • Aerospace and defense: With the aero- space and defense industry witnessing rapid technological advancements that enable innovations in satellite communica- tions, radar systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles, there is a growing demand for ruggedized, high-performance PCBs capa- ble of withstanding extreme environments. • Medical devices: e medical device industry relies heavily on PCBs for various applications, including diagnostic equip- ment, patient monitoring devices, and implantable medical devices. is sector continues to grow at a very high rate, call- ing for even more innovative and complex PCBs applied to a greater number of appli- cations. • Consumer electronics: With the unabated proliferation of smartphones, wearables, IoT devices, and smart appliances, the consumer electronics sector continues to drive innovation in PCE, including the creation of more compact, energy-efficient PCBs with enhanced connectivity and functionality. Now a Look at Specialties For more than a few years, several specialties in PCB design have been experiencing a short- age of or high demand for engineering talent due to various factors, such as technological advancements, industry growth, and shis in manufacturing trends. Some of these special- ties include: • High-speed digital design: With the increasing demand for high-performance electronic devices, there's a growing need for printed circuit engineers skilled in designing circuits that can handle high- speed data transmissions without SI issues. • SI engineering: With the proliferation of high-speed data transmission, SI engineers will play a critical role in ensuring SI, mini- mizing signal degradation, and mitigating EMI and EMC in PCB designs. • RF and microwave design: e prolif- eration of wireless communication tech- nologies, like 5G, IoT devices, and radar systems, has created a demand for printed circuit engineers proficient in RF and microwave design techniques to optimize signal performance and minimize interfer- ence. • Power electronics: As the demand for energy-efficient electronic devices con- tinues to rise, there's a need for printed circuit engineers with expertise in power electronics to design efficient power dis- tribution systems, DC-DC converters, and voltage regulators. • Embedded systems and IoT: e increas- ing integration of electronics into every- day objects and the growth of IoT require printed circuit engineers with expertise in microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless communication modules for the creation of compact, energy-efficient embedded systems. • ermal management: With electronic devices becoming more compact and powerful, managing heat dissipation on PCBs is crucial to ensuring reliability and longevity. Printed circuit engineers skilled in thermal management techniques are needed to design layouts that optimize heat dissipation and prevent overheating. • Flex and rigid-flex PCB design: Flexible and rigid-flex PCBs are becoming increas- ingly popular in applications where space is limited or the PCB needs to conform to a specific shape. Printed circuit engi- neers with expertise in flex and rigid-flex PCB design are in high demand to create layouts that meet the mechanical and elec- trical requirements of these specialized boards. • Compliance: e automotive and aero- space segments have stringent require- ments for reliability, safety, and perfor-

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