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20 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Holden: One big differentiator is where you sit in the stack; there's a bullwhip effect. For exam- ple, the fabric of jeans doesn't change much, but the way the jeans look changes every month. We're so deep down in pro- viding this foundational tech- nology. at won't change; it's not a fashion thing. AI adoption will move ahead slower than we would like, but it's marching for- ward regardless of market con- ditions and whatever flavor of the month has the investors inter- ested. e basics of aggregating, manipulating, and presenting this data as basic statistics and working with operators will stay fairly stable. We hope to become just part of the platform where other players will come along and use our data, just as they use machine data, to cre- ate cool solutions on top of our foundation. Arbabian: One foundational component is access to clean, labeled, proprietary data that differentiates companies. at hasn't changed. e second component is the compute power. e computer and the data are the foundations upon which everything is built. With all the big players in AI, the models are converging. e only divergence is regarding who has a new data source. Google will come up with a new model because they have access to your Gmail data that doesn't exist for anybody else. At Plato, once we brought the spatial data into the mix, applying AI to event detection has been transformative because it's a new data source. You're seeing the whole picture for the first time. Fascinating conversation. Thank you all. Arbabian: ank you, Nolan. We'll keep you posted as things progress. SMT007 AI adoption will move ahead slower than we would like, but it's marching forward...

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