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50 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Feature Article by Jennifer Davis ARCH SYSTEMS Every modern manufacturer grapples with a common challenge: extracting actionable insights from the ever-growing sea of opera- tional data. e challenge of the data deluge isn't just overwhelming; it coincides with a broader shi in automation needs. While tra- ditional forms of automation, such as robots, remain vital, the focus is expanding to encom- pass automating the very intelligence needed to run a factory efficiently. As a result, a new generation of tools and technologies, includ- ing artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to transform the way factories operate. Designed to unlock the true potential of data, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify hidden patterns, predict poten- The Rise of Collaborative Intelligence in Manufacturing tial issues, and empower manufacturers to make data-driven decisions and optimize pro- duction processes in real-time. However, AI's effectiveness hinges on high- quality, readily utilizable data. Manufacturers increasingly demand solutions that not only leverage AI but also seamlessly integrate with existing data infrastructure. Because of this, we're seeing an exciting trend emerge: solu- tion providers are increasingly forging part- nerships to bridge data silos and unlock the full potential of AI for their clients. is collabor- ative ecosystem holds the key to accelerating the path toward manufacturing excellence. While collaboration is crucial to accelerating that path, manufacturers must first have a digi-

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