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56 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 When this proactive approach to problem- solving is combined with the understanding and expertise of factory experts and placed along- side the ability to automate actions directly in the manufacturing loop, the path to manufac- turing excellence is significantly accelerated. Collaboration: The Key to Accelerated Manufacturing Excellence e goal of effectively harnessing and utiliz- ing manufacturing data for its full impact on operational improvement once seemed elu- sive. Now, it's a landscape of vast opportunity as data practices have evolved to unparalleled levels of sophistication and ease-of-use. It's also increasingly important that manu- facturers have the proper data frameworks in place now because the next wave, fueled by AI capabilities, is already at our door. Without an adequate data foundation, AI will be funda- mentally frustrated, and organizations will fall further behind. For those already on a strong data journey, it's an exciting time as the accelerated path to manufacturing excellence lies not just in adopting AI, but in harnessing the power of collaboration within the manufacturing eco- system. By working together, solution pro- viders and manufacturers are now unlock- ing a future of collaborative intelligence, one marked by unprecedented innovation, effi- ciency, and productivity. SMT007 Jennifer Davis is VP of communications and marketing at Arch Systems. Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 • Tim Burke, Arch Systems Progress Update and Future Vision of Arch Systems: Recently, Arch Systems announced a significant collaborative partnership with Aegis, which reflects Arch Systems' shifting focus from merely collecting data to providing actionable insights.

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