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8 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Nolan's Notes by Nolan Johnson, I-CONNECT007 Coming to Terms With AI How fast do things move in the world of data analytics? Here's an example. We've been plan- ning this issue on artificial intelligence for the past few months, and, in fact, I had already written this column about a month ago. en I went to IPC APEX EXPO and upended it all. I originally had compared AI to drag rac- ing in that (CPU) horsepower and new (data) vehicles have steadily delivered higher perfor- mance competition. at seemed pretty accu- rate given how generative AI models domi- nated the popular media with amazing results— and sometimes spectacular crashes. In all my career, I've never seen a new tech- nology move so fast into adoption as has been the case with AI and machine learning (ML). I'm not exaggerating when I call this the largest inflection point in manufacturing since steam, with undeniably the fastest rate of change, something that, understandably, is a lot to come to terms with. is was made abundantly clear during my recent week in Anaheim. For me, news and perspective came from two main sources: My conversations at the show with industry experts were followed by a research report

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