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92 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 In 2023, manufacturing investment in plants and other produc- tion facilities in the United States rose nearly 63%, the biggest yearly gain since 1951. This surge in investment underscores an unparalleled confidence in the growth potential of the U.S. man- ufacturing sector that looks beyond any short-term variability. I-Connect007 is pleased to announce the launch of The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to… Encapsulating Sustainability for Electronics by Beth Turner at MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions. The latest in a series of educational books published by I-Connect007, this book is an introductory guide to understanding encapsulation resins and a tool for application troubleshooting. NextFlex Learning Programs, the educa- tion-focused arm of the NextFlex® Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute, announces its first spotlight effort, "NextFlex Supports Women in STEM" to increase the number of women in STEM fields, which could accelerate U.S. GDP growth by boosting women's cumulative earnings by $299B and adding $5.9T to the global stock market within 10 years according to S&P Global. Growth Potential: Electronics Manufacturing Driving Massive Surge in Manufacturing Investment MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions' New Book Now Available for Download NextFlex Announces $5M Education Fundraising Effort: First Spotlight—Transforming the Landscape for Women in Technology TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS In electronics manufacturing, the variety of component geometries presents a challenge: differences in assembly height require a variable throughput height in convection soldering systems. Current develop- ments indicate a need for larger throughput heights due to the trend towards e-mobility, which in turn increases nitrogen consumption for process inertization. Rehm Thermal Systems responds to this issue with an innovative solution: the mechatronic curtain. Reducing Nitrogen Consumption in Convection Soldering With Rehm Thermal Systems' Patented Mechatronic Curtain

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