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MAY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 93 I-Connect007 is pleased to announce the launch of The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to… Factory Analytics: Unlocking Efficiency Through Data Insights. Thirty-eighth in a series of educational, technical books published by I-Connect007, this book is a guide to under- standing how analyzing your factory data is the key to competitive advantage for your factory. Chrys Shea of Shea Engineering and Altium's David Haboud edu- cate us on the latest revision of the SMT test board for UHDI test- ing, presented at the SMTA UHDI Symposium on March 26 in Ari- zona. She and David discuss rec- reating the test board to be appro- priate for UHDI, and why industry members should make use of it to benchmark their processes. iNEMI and IPC have recently published a white paper, "Complex Integrated Systems: The Future of Electronics Manufacturing," intended to guide and focus cross-industry efforts and partner- ships in the necessary research and develop- ment, as well as the manufacturing capability scale-up that will be critical to success. SMTA's first UHDI Symposium in Peoria, Arizona, on Tuesday, March 26, featured a standout full-day technical program with 11 separate presentations on what will be required for our companies to move toward ultra HDI manufacturing. (Editor's note: This article was written in December 2023 when Michael Ford was co-chair of the 2-12D Task Group. He passed away in January 2024.) No one can deny that the resources of our fragile planet are finite. The envi- ronment seems like a third party, sub- ject to constant degradation. We're acutely aware of the effects of pollution on our climate, and despite our "throw-away" culture, recycling and recovery of materials has remained relatively expen- sive, even as we use more energy just to survive. "Strong order flow in February lifted EMS book- to-bill ratio to the highest levels since last sum- mer," said Shawn DuBravac, IPC's chief economist. For the latest news and information, visit Creators of SMT UHDI Test Board Vehicle Discuss this Important Project iNEMI/IPC White Paper on Complex Integrated Systems Highlights Future Technology and Manufacturing Ecosystem Needs North American EMS Industry Up 4.1% in February The Need for a Holistic Global Sustainability Standard I-Connect007 Adds to Technical Library With Book on Factory Analytics by Cogiscan SMTA Conducts First UHDI Symposium Michael Ford

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