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44 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Editor's Note: e following is an excerpt from e Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to...™ Factory Analytics—Unlocking Efficiency rough Data Insights Previous chapters were mainly focused on analytics at the operational level for the dif- ferent roles that are deeply involved in the day-to-day manufacturing process. While these detailed analytics are highly important to understand in-depth what is happening on the factory floor, they do not provide a quick and holistic overview of factory productiv- ity. is snapshot of floor health is essential in terms of flagging investigation and for plan- ning purposes. We will look at important ana- lytics that provide a real outlook on factory performance. Electronics manufacturers today are eager to incorporate analytics into their operation because these tools are intentionally designed to drive continuous improvements and thus leverage a better ROI. Offering a panoramic view of assembly and manufacturing data, line and factory level analytics transcend individ- ual instances, allowing insights to be gleaned from a holistic perspective to drive both deci- sions and action. is collective wisdom can be translated across a spectrum of product types, fostering overall enhancement rather than addressing instances in isolation. In this way, analytics are a catalyst for manufacturers looking to continuously improve. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Important analytics that provide a realistic outlook on "in the now" factory health can be distilled down as OEE. e OEE score is the industry standard that represents the ratio of fully productive time to planned production time. It takes into account the following three factors: OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality While the absolute value of OEE is impor- tant, the focus should be on improving that BOOK EXCERPT Chapter 5: Measuring and Monitoring Global Factory Health

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