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68 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 nal delamination of the internal components of the package, and in more extreme cases a "popcorning" effect on the sample surface. e popcorn effect would be seen by warpage anal- ysis, but it isn't clear whether lesser cases of Article by Neil Hubble AKROMETRIX Editor's Note: is paper was originally pub- lished in the Proceedings of SMTA International, Rosemont, IL, Sept. 22–26, 2019. Background Moisture sensitivity requirements for nonher- metic surface mount devices are defined in the joint IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-020E, "Joint IPC/JEDEC Standard for Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Sur- face-Mount Devices," last updated in Decem- ber 2014 1 . is standard allows customers and suppliers to place electronics devices into spe- cific categories, defined into 8 different mois- ture sensitivity levels (MSL). Test method cri- teria are defined within this standard to define MSL levels for different packages. A subsection of MSLs are shown in Figure 1 below, showing the MSL 3 and 4 used in this study. e absorption of moisture inside a package can cause vapor pressure within the package. In some cases, this vapor pressure can cause inter- Figure 1: MSL table from J-STD-020E (partial redac- tion) 1 multiple joint industry standards and test meth- ods are further defined by JEDEC and other in stan- dards such as J-STD- 033D 2 and JESD22-A120 3 . High Temperature Component Warpage as a Function of Moisture Sensitivity (MSL) Rating

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