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14 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 oritization of "Where do I start? What do I do tomorrow?" e third phase is to establish the framework for training material on what good behavior is. You need to answer questions like, "How do I qualify it? How do I establish it as a standard process?" All of this is possible by using a foun- dation of new data. I'm very interested in understanding what that digital mezzanine looks like. Raj Vora: If you were to watch a video, it would tell you objectively everything that happened because I'm learning how everyone's percep- tion of what happened is so different than what actually happened. Having video pinpoints without any sort of opinion. For instance, there's a clip where I can see that the machine was down. If I ask an operator tomorrow what happened, I'll get their percep- tion. But in a video, I can see what happened at that moment. Once you connect machine real-time data to this, for example, "An event at 2:59 p.m., machine went down for 13 min- utes," you can get an objective answer. Maybe they couldn't find a part, a part wasn't counted properly, or someone went to the bathroom. is gives you that capability to actually see what happened. e true value, though, is adding digital information in the form of scientific data. Not only can you see the behavior, but you get sig- nals from the machines: A machine flagged an alert. What happened next? Who did what, and why didn't a machine get back up and run- ning? Let's say I want to place 3 million compo- nents on that line during every shi, but I'm losing 10% of that, which amounts to 300,000 components not placed. At 7 cents a place- ment, that's in the range of $150,000. It gets much more interesting when we're talking about big, marginal gains like this. OEMs talk about pennies for parts, but in our business, it's about seconds. I'm charging my customers for the time it takes to place parts. Every second the machine is not running means no revenue. Holden: In one video from Raj's line, they're in the middle of a changeover. We can see the printer and each of the pick-and-place machines in the front. One of the machines is blinking a fault, but nobody's there. Later in the video, someone approaches the printer. In this case, someone is tidying up, but no one is responding to the pick-and-place machine. If you jump to a certain point in the video, you see someone at the pick-and-place machine, and someone else on the printer. You can see this story unfolding. ere's a lot going on but it's not obvious what the pattern is. Imagine you were looking at a well-rehearsed changeover that went according to script. Right before the last board passes through the printer, somebody will be there, and then you will see the sequence bar for the process. As they change each of the pick-and-place machines, you'll see this Gantt Chart below the video moving, and then boom, the change- over is done. Raj Vora

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