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16 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Vora: We've only been ramping up for about a month, so it's a little early to tell. We're start- ing to capture video, review it, and figure out what's going on. We want to videotape good events as well, and we haven't done that yet. I would say we're still early in our process. Holden: We try to get 10–15 percentage points on the line. What we've seen typically depends on how much potential there is. We're working with another line with an operational efficiency (OE) of about 55%. It would be fairly simple to get them to between 65–70% by implementing some straightforward changes, some of which they already knew, some of which they didn't. But you need the evidence to make a move. If you don't have data, you don't have facts, and Each of these Gantt chart bars are predict- able: the duration of time spent on the printer is within a minute or two every time. For a given transition between two programs, you should see the same thing. at's the data, and now you can start applying logic and rules to it. You can determine things, such as that your changeover was slow because printer time was five minutes above average, or maybe the sequence was out of order. Aer you've watched a couple of these videos, you should be able to see and tell the story just from watching these events. With enough of these examples, can you start to develop new best practices? Holden: at's a key insight from operations: Good performance means low variability. at's just Operations 101. It's as true for oper- ator data as it is for machine data. A well-run- ning machine doesn't vary, and a well-run- ning operator will do the same thing, the same way, every time. Using that fact, we can codify what "good" looks like. Anything that doesn't look like "good" can be improved. Now we have the opportunity for tangible coaching because there is real video evidence. at rad- ically changes the game for folks like Raj, who are trying to run a business in a difficult envi- ronment. Raj, how much improvement have you've seen?

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