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MAY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 53 back and enjoy the spoils of their labors, right? Not quite. While getting to this point is a monumental accomplishment for manufacturers, the power of the data can still be extended. Collaboration between systems enhances this framework exponentially for manufacturers. However, implementing a seamless expe- rience for the end user means they must first overcome a few existing challenges. The Challenge: Integrating with Existing Systems Modern factories rely on a complex eco- system of data sources to function efficiently. ese include SCADA, MES, ERP, PLCs, machine data, sensor data, and QMS systems, to name a few. ese systems play a critical role in managing and controlling production floors for compliance and efficiency. Even so, integrating these systems with new AI solutions presents some unique challenges: • Data silos: Legacy systems oen operate in silos, limiting communication channels between them. Dismantling these silos is crucial for AI solutions to access compre- hensive data. • Standardization issues: Data formats and communication protocols can vary signifi- cantly, creating compatibility hurdles dur- ing AI solution integration. • Change management: Replacing or signif- icantly altering established systems poses a change management challenge. Factory personnel accustomed to existing work- flows require training and adaptation to embrace new AI-powered solutions. • Organizational readiness: Beyond finan- cial resources, successful AI adoption requires a commitment to change. Culti- vating a data-driven culture and ensuring the right internal expertise exists within the organization is crucial. While MES and QMS are common exam- ples, it should be noted that the integration challenge extends to other established systems from machine vendors, soware providers, etc. For these reasons and many others, com- prehensive AI solutions need to seamlessly connect with this broader ecosystem for opti- mal effectiveness. The Ecosystem Advantage: Collaboration for Amplified Impact Fortunately, a new wave of collaboration is emerging, and solution providers (including soware vendors, machine vendors, and other data providers) are increasingly finding ways to partner, recognizing that doing so bridges the gap between different data points and func- tionalities, delivering faster and greater value to their mutual customers. is ecosystem approach offers several advantages, some of which include: • Enhanced functionality: By combining expertise, partners can create AI solutions that address a wider range of manufactur- ing challenges. • Streamlined integration: Partnerships can lead to pre-built integrations with existing systems, minimizing implementa- tion time and resources required. • Improved user experience: A unified plat- form with combined functionalities deliv- ers a more holistic view of operations for manufacturers. • Accelerated improvement: With com- plementary systems committed to assess- ing the effectiveness of actions taken, operational improvements are validated, repeated, and extended more quickly. e benefits of collaborative solutions are numerous. Let's highlight just a few use cases where electronics manufacturers can already benefit:

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