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42 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Feature Interview by Andy Shaughnessy I-CONNECT007 When selecting materials for a high-speed design, you need to be very familiar with the materials' electrical characteristics, as well as the requirements of the PCB you're designing. ere are myriad details that need to be con- sidered during the material selection process, and missing one iota can lead to your job being put on hold. We asked Stephen Chavez, principal tech- nical product marketing manager at Siemens, to share his thoughts on material selection for high-speed designs. Steph discusses material constraints, stackups, and the cut-off point when a "traditional" laminate will (and won't) work for a high-speed board. Overconstrain? Underconstrain? Selecting Materials for High-speed Designs Andy Shaughnessy: What do designers need to keep in mind when selecting materials for a high-speed design? Stephen Chavez: Regarding high-speed design, paying close attention to details is more criti- cal than ever. is starts with dialing in and locking down a good foundation for the PCB, which is the stackup. e PCB stackup com- prises the appropriate materials and structures to meet the design requirements and perfor- mance expectations. Locking in a good PCB stackup can be challenging, if not overwhelm- ing when it comes to material selection. Today, there exists a wide array of materials available for selection, encompassing diverse

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