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62 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 ing for the development of the panel where the unaltered resist is washed away, leaving the designed pattern intact. Despite its effectiveness, plotting film can introduce alignment issues similar to those found in direct imaging, requiring manual adjustments by the operator. Given the preci- sion needed, especially for dense images, it's crucial for designers to assess the expertise of manufacturers using this technique. The Next Step in Manufacturing With panels prepared and machinery ready, the stage is set for the actual creation of the PCBs. Chemical processes, layer deposition, drilling, routing, and final assembly all hinge on the information encoded in our CAM out- puts. Understanding these documents and their significance helps peel back the curtain on the marvel that is PCB manufacturing, offering insight into the complex ballet of tech- nology and expertise that makes our modern electronics possible. You can learn more about the imaging pro- cesses in my book, e Printed Circuit Design- er's Guide to Designing for Reality, and in Epi- sode 3 of I-Connect007's podcast, On the Line with... where we explore interesting details of materials, imaging, and manufacturing, along with some real-world problems we've encoun- tered. DESIGN007 Matt Stevenson is vice president and general manager of ASC Sun- stone Circuits. To read past col- umns, click here. Download Matt's book, The Printed Circuit Design- er's Guide to… Designing for Real- ity and listen to the podcast here. Manufacturing companies in the United States have invested heavily in automation: total installa- tions of industrial robots rose by 12% and reached 44,303 units in 2023. The number one adopter is the car industry, followed by the electrical and electron- ics sector. These are preliminary results, presented by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). Sales in the automotive segment rose by 1% with a record number of 14,678 robots installed in 2023. The United States has the second largest produc- tion volume of cars and light vehicles worldwide, following China. Installations in the electrical and electronics industry rose by 37% to 5,120 units in 2023. This number almost reached the record pre-pandemic level of 5,284 units, seen in 2018. The latest result represents a market share of 12% of all industrial robots installed in the U.S. manufacturing industry. Robot installation in Canada reached 4,616 units, up 43%. The automotive industry accounts for 55% of the country´s robot installations. Robot installa- tions in Mexico's manufacturing industry remain almost unchanged with 5,868 units in 2023. The country´s main adopter is the automotive industry which accounted for 69% of the robot installations in 2023: sales reached 4,068 units (+-0%) in 2023, the third best result since the peak level of 4,805 units in 2017. (Source: IFR) U.S. Companies Invest Heavily in Robots

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