PCB007 Magazine


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48 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 scape, offering a rapid, cost-effective alterna- tive that significantly accelerates the develop- ment cycle. Emerging as a frontrunner in PCB prototyp- ing, the technique facilitates the direct depo- sition of conductive and dielectric materials onto substrates, bypassing the need for con- ventional etching processes. As a result, intri- cate PCB designs can be swily translated into physical prototypes with unparalleled speed and precision. The Role of Machine Learning and AI While AM streamlines the physical realiza- tion of PCB prototypes, machine learning as Revolutionizing PCB Prototyping With ML and AM Feature Article by Nick Geddes NANO DIMENSION When it comes to printed circuit board (PCB) development in particular, traditional methodologies are being reshaped by the con- vergence of additive manufacturing (AM), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelli- gence (AI), and propelling the evolution of electronics manufacturing to unprecedented heights. Historically, PCB prototyping has been a meticulous and time-consuming process, oen laden with complexities and high costs. Tradi- tional methods have typically involved intri- cate design iterations, extensive manual labor, and significant material waste. However, the advent of AM has revolutionized this land-

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