PCB007 Magazine


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34 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 ing skills to use in the manufacturing world. However, the lesson I'm most thankful for is the "eight discipline" (8D) problem-solving approach. I use it almost every day, and now that my role has become more quality-focused, our conversations include an ongoing compe- tition to see whose 8D is better. Unfortunately, 8D problem-solving is not typically taught in engineering programs, although it's an essential skill to hone when working in manufacturing. Oentimes, while working on corrective action reports, I meet with other recent graduates who want to guess the root cause and create a solution without Lessons From the Best Engineer I've Ever Known My dad is the best engineer I've ever met, and I'm not just saying this because we're related. He is the definition of grit, tenacity, and never being satisfied with "I don't know." When I was in college, every call consisted of detailed con- versations about my calculus classes. He could spit out the equations as if he had just taken the classes the previous week. In fact, my brother jokes that every conversation with him reverts to engineering. Beyond teaching us how to change the brakes on our cars, make cutting boards, or make a Lichtenberg machine out of an old micro- wave transformer, he taught us problem-solv- The New Chapter Feature Column by Paige Fiet, TTM-LOGAN

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