PCB007 Magazine


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8 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Marcy's Musings by Marcy LaRont, I-CONNECT007 The 'Magic' of Additive Processes Repair, replace, or go in a completely dif- ferent direction? Today's PCB manufactur- ers grapple with these questions as they look to their customers, supplier partners, and even the government to discern what will make the most economic sense for their businesses over the long term. Purchasing capital equipment is oen a fraught endeavor unless you have an unlimited bankroll or significant government backing. I get it. I don't buy a "new" car until I drive my existing car into the ground. I like high- end, but I don't like car payments. My average car ownership is eight or more years. As with any large capital purchase essential to your everyday life, the longer you own it, the less it costs over time. It's good financial manage- ment. Something must change for me to con- sider a different strategy: the car is beyond repair, the cost of maintenance is now at unacceptably high levels, and/or the market presents the opportunity to purchase a new, better vehicle in such a way that seems to assure a better ROI.

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