PCB007 Magazine


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24 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Feature Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 Hans Fritz started his career as an engineer with Gerber Scientific Instruments in Hart- ford, Connecticut, later working for Orbotech on its first LDI systems at EIE in Switzerland making photo plotters, and then at Hakuto Europe, a subsidiary of Hakuto Co. in Japan. He has spent the past three decades as gen- eral manager at Sense Advanced Technol- ogy (SAT), now working with his daugh- ter, Milena, and business partner, Alexander Weigl. "I have moved to the fun part of the busi- ness," Hans says, where he works in new field technologies, including additive and product industrialization processes. "I'm trying to use modern digital additive technologies to make SAT Moving Additive Technology Forward PCBs, fuel cells, metal etching and milling, and PCMI applications." Milena Fritz grew up watching her par- ents run the business, studied psychology and management in her undergraduate years, and consulting and management for her master's degree. She worked in digital banking at the European Financial Institute for some years, and aer completing a large project, "decided to take on the challenge of joining SAT." Now, Milena says she has an opportunity to work in parallel with her father, learn from him, and grow the company's portfolio. I spoke with Hans and Milena about how to move additive technology forward and the sus-

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