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52 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 That's tremendous. How many companies is IPC India currently working with? We are connected to roughly 500 companies in India and are working on various develop- ment projects outside of certifications. We also have workforce development programs, for which there is a great need in the Indian elec- tronics market. Government and industry have both been pushing the Indian electronics mar- ket agenda. What support do you get from the Indian government? e government felt that, based on the way we saw China develop over the last few decades, India needed to be prepared. We do not want to miss the bus. e government and indus- try are working together to develop the whole ecosystem. ey have a target of approximately $300 billion in the electronics industry to be achieved by 2026. Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 Over the past 14 years, IPC India has certi- fied 15,000 professionals and collaborated with nearly 500 companies, focusing on certifica- tion, workforce development, and education. is year, IPC India is planning some global events, including Integrated Electronics Man- ufacturing and Interconnections (IEMI), in Bangalore in July. With the mission to connect stakeholders in India to one another and both support and grow the electronics industry, IPC India Executive Director Gaurab Majum- dar says the Indian government aims to achieve a $300 billion market by 2026. Marcy LaRont: Gaurab, what is the latest update on electronics manufacturing in India? Gaurab Majumdar: IPC started in the Indian region in 2010 when some electronics manu- facturing was moving into the Indian market. At that time, many companies felt that IPC should have a presence there. Over the past 14 years, we have certified more than 15,000 pro- fessionals in the industry. Update With IPC India's Gaurab Majumdar

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