PCB007 Magazine


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94 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Casey Krueger, director of product marketing for MKS, introduces their laser-based micro machining systems, particularly the CO 2 drilling system for the HDI market. They discuss CO 2 -formed vias, the benefits of AOD technology, hypersonics, and enhanced opti- cal transmission. The discussion also cov- ers accuracy and the application of water- cooled galvos. Casey offers insights into the advancements and enhancements in their second-generation CO 2 drilling system. How sustainable are the primary financial mod- els in the United States of PCB fabrication shops regarding growth? In this interview with economic experts Shawn DuBravac and Tom Kastner, we explore what's happening with U.S. printed circuit board shops in today's mar- ket, how consolidation affects the industry, and what can be done. Chris Hanson, Ventec's Global Head of IMS technology, outlines the launch of four pro-bond formulas that deliver an outstanding combination of low dissipa- tion factor (Df) with a dielectric constant (Dk) range to maximize the design window for critical PCB parameters. As Chris points out, Pro-bond is designed for low-loss, high-speed applications, while thermal-bond dissipates heat from a component through the board to a heat sink. USPAE to Springboard U.S. Technology Forward The U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) was launched as a non- profit subsidiary of IPC in 2020 specifically to manage the DoD relationship and access to funding, and to develop a cooperative facility to develop ultra HDI capabilities in the U.S., not only for the defense sector but for the whole of the U.S. electronics industry. Though a multifaceted initiative, its primary objective is to bring very high-tech manufacturing capability to the U.S. to lessen reliance on foreign sources for critical parts of our supply chain. The New Industry: Will the Growth Continue? Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2024: Laser-based Micro Machining Systems from MKS Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2024: Ventec Discusses New Pro-bond Family of Advanced Products TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS Joe O'Neil Casey Krueger Chris Hanson

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