PCB007 Magazine


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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 to fix the root cause, only to observe it. Discipline 5: Develop Corrective Actions is is the time to test the- ories on how to fix the prob- lem. Get creative with solu- tions and don't be afraid to spend some time on this step as well. Corrective actions take lots of brainstorming where no answers are bad answers. When possible, it's best to include Poke Yoke into corrective actions as a form of "dummy proofing." Discipline 6: Implement Corrective Actions Once a solution is viable, implement it. Time to put all that hard work into place. Discipline 7: Preventive Actions A problem has been corrected, so fix it for good. is is the opportunity to see if the actions will fix the system as a whole or if they're just specific to one part. Sometimes, preventive actions are the same as correc- tive actions. Other times, they are two sep- arate action sets. In instances where they are the same, process documents, PFMEAs, and all other systems should be updated to reflect the changes taken. In cases where preventive actions will differ from corrective actions, the preventive action should be tested and verified before full implementation. Discipline 8: Verification and Congratulations Finally, it's time to watch all the hard work pay off. Discipline 8 is about verifying the pro- cesses put in place. Verification can have a minimum part limit, lot limit, or time limit to gauge the effectiveness of the 8D. is is also the time to congratulate the team and thank them for their efforts. While I was fortunate to grow up seeing the world through the lens of 8D problem-solv- ing, not everyone had that opportunity. I hope these tips encourage you to start your own 8D problem-solving adventure. PCB007 Paige Fiet is a process engineer at TTM-Logan, and in the IPC Emerging Engineer Program. To read past columns, click here.

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