PCB007 Magazine


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MAY 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 89 the Boston Symphony did a concert. One year, we had Chubby Checker as the entertainment. ey were great! ere was one other thing that helped shock the industry at that time. With regards to the NEPCON shows, Dan put out a full-page ad stating that he wouldn't be part of NEPCON any longer. He stated that Dynachem would take the money they saved and apply it to R&D for future customer products. Wow, that's a statement. Feinberg: at's what kicked off IPC EXPO. At the time, IPC was mostly circuit board fabrica- tors and circuit board fabricator suppliers. Weiner: And a few OEMs. A couple of years later, assemblers got involved and set up their own show, APEX. Feinberg: We started to do away with some of the IPC meetings. Weiner: Back in the late 1980s and early '90s, we had IPC technical, standards, and other meetings every other month. Feinberg: We'd fly here and there, covering dif- ferent things. It got to a point where you just couldn't do it. So, we suggested that we start including some of these meetings with the show, which is what you see now. That's right. There are now meetings from morning to evening, every day. Weiner: But now we're going even further. ursday morning, we have a session from the WECC. On Wednesday, the group from Taiwan will spend a whole day talking about advanced packaging, and then we're doing our own advanced packaging session on ursday with Matt Kelly. I usually go home ursday, but I'm staying until Friday to attend that session. Feinberg: Yes, and it's great. So, we had two shows: a supplier show for circuit boards (EXPO) and one for assemblers (APEX). Why not just combine them and make it a bigger show? at's when it became APEX EXPO. At the start of this show, it was the commit- ment of DuPont, Dynachem, Excellon, Mac- Dermid, Enthone, Udylite, SelRex, Nelco, L-R: Audrey Sim, HKPCA, Tarja Rapala, EIPC, and Gene Weiner at the ECWC Welcome Reception, April 8, 2024.

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