IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 102 SUMMER 2024 India By Manvi Kapoor, Manager, Events and Communication, IPC India Hand Soldering Competitions Reach New Frontiers In the realm of electronics assembly, preci- sion and skill are paramount. This past quarter, our hand-soldering competitions journeyed through vibrant cities in India, igniting a passion for craftsmanship and excellence. Now, as we look ahead, our horizons expand beyond bor- ders, with upcoming events slated in the UAE and Australia for the first time. India: Chennai, Delhi, Pune: The second quar- ter brought on a flurry of activity as our hand-sol- dering competitions made their mark in these three bustling Indian cities. Participants show- cased their expertise, demonstrating finesse and dexterity in soldering intricate components. These skill competitions not only celebrated the artistry of soldering but also served as plat- forms for networking and knowledge exchange within the electronics manufacturing commu- nity and awareness of the IPC standards. Beyond Borders: Q2 Full of International Activities Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: For the first time, the India Pavilion was established at the EWPTE show with support from ESC India. It featured 15 Indian companies showcasing Indian cable, wire processing, wire harness assembly, and connectors. These companies were interested in forming strategic partnerships with U.S. compa- nies. Bhutan: The Bhutan government and the elec- tronics industry have engaged with IPC for the first time to organize a popular workforce devel- opment practical training program for electron- ics assembly operators. This course introduces key concepts, tools, materials, and processes that technicians need to know and follow to cor- rectly build assemblies. UAE: Enthusiasts and professionals in the elec- tronics assembly industry enjoyed a series of enlightening Hand Soldering Technical Sessions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The sessions stopped in Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, deep- enening understanding, refining skills, and fos- tering a community of excellence in soldering craftsmanship. Australia: Meanwhile, our debut in Australia marked a significant milestone in our global out- reach efforts. With its burgeoning electronics industry and penchant for innovation, Australia provided an exciting backdrop for our inaugu- ral event. Within the bustling streets of Sydney, we forged new connections and fostered a com- munity of soldering enthusiasts Down Under. In collaboration with SMCBA (Surface Mount Cir- cuit Board Association), IPC organized its first hand-soldering competition in Australia at Elec- troneX Expo 2024. Looking Ahead to Q3 The spotlight shines brightly on the upcoming IPC IEMI (Integrated Electronics Manufacturing Interconnections) events in Penang, Malaysia, and Bengaluru, India. These gatherings promise a plethora of activities, ranging from standard development meetings and vendor develop- ment programs to captivating keynote sessions and insightful panel discussions. Click here for more information.

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