IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

Issue link: https://iconnect007.uberflip.com/i/1523888

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IPC COMMUNITY 74 SUMMER 2024 IPC member DETEX Corporation of New Braunfels, Texas, like so many other companies, strives to cultivate a highly skilled workforce to meet the growing demand for electronics assem- bly professionals. But also like many companies, DETEX, which engineers and manufactures security products, has struggled to hire qualified workers. Most employees are hired without certification or experience. Providing on-the-job training (OJT) without technical instruction has been met with limited success. So, when DETEX Human Resources Manager Martha Rodriquez was introduced to Coreen Blaylock, IPC director of workforce partnerships, she quickly saw the potential and value of partic- ipating in an apprenticeship model that would provide an opportunity to upskill their employ- ees onsite with little downtime. Once the company adopted an apprenticeship model, Victoria Hawkins, IPC director of work- force grants and proposals, assisted DETEX in applying for and receiving $375 per apprentice, totaling $7,500 for their 20 apprentices and $10,000 for technical instruction. This spring, they were awaiting an award of $180,000 from the Texas Workforce Commission to pay for translation services, supplies, and CIT training. "Victoria's patience and expertise were crucial in my ability to complete the grant application in a timely manner to initiate our onsite appren- ticeship program in early March 2024," Martha says. "Victoria provided a detailed outline of the apprenticeship program and funding require- Opportunity Knocks By Michelle Te, Managing Editor, IPC Community DETEX Corporation successfully secures funding for its apprenticeship program to improve its workforce EDUCATION IPC COMMUNITY 74 SUMMER 2024

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