IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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Contents of this Issue


Page 97 of 105

IPC COMMUNITY 98 SUMMER 2024 North America By Brian Knier, Vice President, Marketing, Member Success and Sales Making an Impact in D.C. At IPC Impact Day on May 15, leaders of IPC member companies met with government offi- cials to advocate for industry-friendly policies. They urged Congress to fund the Presidential Determination on PCBs, take up H.R.3249 (the Protecting Circuit Boards and Substrates Act), support incentives for workforce training and industry certifications, and implement a "sili- con-to-systems" approach to the CHIPS Act. Wondering how to explain the "silicon-to-sys- tems" approach to the U.S. government's CHIPS for America Program? IPC's newest video pro- vides details. View the video here. Also in May, IPC and the U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) jointly hosted a workshop in D.C., gathering key government and electronics industry leaders to advance a Depart- ment of Defense-funded project to address the nation's deficiencies in IC substrate manufactur- ing. Panel discussions and breakout groups tack- led critical areas such as technology, standards, workforce development, and financial compet- itiveness. IPC and USPAE welcomed James Will as the new executive director of USPAE. James is respon- sible for positioning USPAE as a trusted third- party connecting industry and U.S. government stakeholders to promote an assured electronics supply chain. Q2 REGIONAL UPDATES IPC Around the World James Will

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