share some of their strategies and implementa-
tion practices. She also shared similar thoughts
at an in-person education committee meeting,
a coalition of industry experts who are advising
IPC's education development goals and prod-
On Camera
In addition, Kelly Scanlon led several discus-
sions on sustainability as part of our brand-new
"Moving the Needle" series, now available on
dedicated Sustainability for Electronics and
LinkedIn sites. Kelly interviewed five sustain-
ability specialists from MYCRONIC, Viscom,
Koh Young, MacDermid Alpha Electronic Solu-
tions, and Heller Industries, which allowed them
to showcase sustainable practices within their
These conversations not only highlight best
practices but will hopefully strengthen the
impact of our sustainability efforts and inspire
others to adopt similar approaches. Jenni-
fer Fijalkowski of MacDermid Alpha told Kelly
that "sustainability is a topic that is becoming
increasingly significant in the industry." Chris
Morath of Heller Industries said their products
are 20% more efficient than previous products,
underscoring the company's efforts to lead
the industry into a sustainable future. Carsten
Salewski of Viscom shared that "sustainability
is in our DNA."
Through these interviews it became quite evi-
dent that companies in our industry have already
woven sustainable practices into everything they
do. It has become second nature to them. Robert
Helleday of MYCRONIC reinforced that idea as he
spoke about having a sustainable workforce. "We
love to have young people in the company; they
give a lot of energy to us," he said. Joel Scutch-
field of Koh Young Technologies emphasized
how large the topic of sustainability has become
within the electronics manufacturing industry,
and shared his excitement about being part of
"the ongoing conversation that is happening in
every boardroom across the world."
Kelly discussed sustainability initiatives with
our media partners at the trade show.
For her Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO
interview in the I-Connect007 booth,
Kelly explained IPC's sustainability
initiatives and what they mean for the
industry. Global SMT & Packaging edi-
tors invited Kelly to participate in an
insightful panel interview that covered
pressing issues surrounding ESG and
sustainability in electronics manufac-
turing. Their insights shed light on how
these considerations have evolved into
key priorities for companies. When we
can amplify the voices of those who are
passionate about sustainability, we fos-
ter a culture of collaboration and knowl-
edge-sharing within our community.
• IPC Sustainability for Electronics
• IPC showcase page on LinkedIn
Clockwise from top left: Jennifer Fijalkowski, Chris Morath,
Carsten Salewski, Joel Scutchfield, Robert Helleday.