IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 8 SUMMER 2024 What Is the Best Part of My Job? COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS In this issue of IPC Community, we polled our members to find out what they love most about their jobs. The responses we received, which you will find throughout this issue, were very personal and insightful. In turn, my colleagues asked me what I like most about my job as president and CEO of IPC. What is the best part of my job? Well, actually, there are many "bests." Let me share a few with you. I am privileged to lead the global electron- ics association that helps OEMs, EMS, PCB, and advanced packaging manufacturers and suppliers build electronics better. I interact with those companies worldwide that make the real magic happen. Those companies come from electronics manufacturing, from engineers to workforce experts to C-suite executives, all dedicated to the ever-changing electronics industry. The ongoing newness of the field—not know- ing what new technology is right around the corner—keeps me guessing, interested, and engaged. I thoroughly enjoy meeting all the people associated with my job. This includes IPC members, event attendees, speakers, sub- ject matter experts, and the board members I work with to ensure the association's strategic vision and aspirational goals are met. I have an inspiring and dedicated staff that keeps me on my toes, and I enjoy my daily conversations about bringing our members what they need to succeed. I get to travel, from the United States to Asia, Europe, and every- where in between, talking to experts about the industry that keeps us all intrigued and challenged. I love to discuss the biggest challenges facing our industry now—workforce and sustainability are at the top of my mind—and I revel in the opportunity to address those challenges with the best minds in the business. Working to help electronics organizations find and keep the best people through workforce training, apprenticeships, certifications, and many other skills development activities feeds my passion for the industry daily. I remain eager to learn about the newest standards requested by the industry, meet the people who develop those standards that are critical to our work, and learn how best to support the thousands of member companies that rely on IPC to represent all facets of the electronics industry, including design, printed board manufacturing, electronics assembly, test, and advanced packaging. I enjoy tackling the most demanding chal- lenges, meeting innovators and experts, and leading a team of phenomenal people who make it a pleasure to go to work each day, wher- ever I happen to be on the globe. I encourage you to look for and read in this issue about other individuals in our industry who describe what excites them about what we all do. The best part of my role is the con- stant variety we face while trying to change the world. By Dr. John W. Mitchell, IPC President and CEO IPC COMMUNITY 8 SUMMER 2024

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