IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 80 SUMMER 2024 collaboration with SMEs across the organiza- tion to create different strategies that we have implemented. The latest strategy, our 2030 sus- tainability strategy, required intensive work to analyze and understand the internal needs of the company, the needs of the market, and the needs of our stakeholders, all in terms of sustainability. When we create a strategy, we see things from many angles. What has brought me to now? I think the most important thing is not to give up in the face of the hundreds and thousands of "no's" that you will receive along the way. It is important to be very clear about your strategy, but also to be flexible, to know that your goal is clear, and that, even if sometimes it doesn't work on one side, you will find a way to reach your goal. It's not being afraid to implement and integrate things, because many times there will be fear, right? You're saying, "How am I going to do it?" There will always be difficulties, but they don't push us off the road; we will always look for ways to do the right thing. What is Mexico doing to address sustainability? I think we still have a long way to go. I believe that at this moment there is already more interest on the part of companies, in part pushed by inter- national regulations. Obviously, European coun- tries and U.S. regulations affect Mexico because a large part of the value chain of these regions is there. This is generating an awakening in many companies on regulatory issues, and what we must do to be in compliance. There is more edu- cation, and many financial industries are getting more involved and are committed to seeking solutions. Even with this global vision that I have as a leader in sustainability for a global company like Flex, I know that there is still much to do as a country from a sustainability standpoint. That is encouraging; all of us in the industry have a lot to learn and put into practice. In that sense, I am excited to know that there is a world of opportu- nities. Could you tell us about the sustainability program at Flex? We have three main cornerstones: "Our World, Our People, and Our Approach," with many dif- ferent pillars, so to speak, under them. Within Our World, we have two pillars, which are the environment and community. Within Our Peo- ple, we have labor practices (which include train- ing and development, mental health, among others), health and safety, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The last one, which we call Our Approach, involves interrelationships with dif- ferent stakeholders, including our supply chain and customers, as well as the governance and ethics that are crucial for any company. These partnerships with customers, suppliers, inves- tors, and employees, among others, are crucial. Our relationships intertwine not only in what we do in the company but also our impact on and with other stakeholders. Partnership in sustainability is key to being able to progress, as it needs to be embedded in every single part of the business; it's not an iso- lated role. I lead the sustainability program, but I work with many leaders in the company to make progress happen. My job is to connect the dots so that we're all in the same boat and can steer

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