IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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Page 13 of 105

IPC COMMUNITY 14 SUMMER 2024 2030, it is crucial to set corresponding targets for advanced packaging and IC substrates. Such targets will ensure a robust supply chain and enhance the EU's competitiveness in the semi- conductor industry. Targeted policies and stra- tegic investments in these areas are essential to fortify the EU's electronics manufacturing base and secure its position as a global leader in tech- nology and innovation. The future of the EU's electronics manufac- turing base hinges on the actions taken today. By strategically investing in and supporting the growth of this sector, the EU can secure its posi- tion as a global leader in technology and inno- vation. The challenges are significant, but so are the opportunities. With strategic foresight and collaborative effort, the EU can reclaim its lead- ership in the electronics manufacturing industry and pave the way for a prosperous future. For more information see IPC's recently pub- lished paper, Securing EU's Electronics Ecosys- tem. Michael Lowry Summit Interconnect, Orange I have the honor to be part of the American manufacturing legacy and to support our country's military and space development. I am blessed to have a career that allows me to take pride in my daily work. What's the best pt of yr job?

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