IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 23 SUMMER 2024 continuing support of naval nuclear propulsion equipment—a vital part of our nation's defense. We work with our many partners to deliver and maintain safe, reliable, and cost-effective prod- ucts that ensure the long-term viability of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP). The NNPP comprises the military and civilian personnel who design, build, operate, maintain, and manage the nuclear-powered ships and the many facilities that support the U.S. nucle- ar-powered naval fleet. The Program has cradle- to-grave responsibility for all naval nuclear pro- pulsion matters and elements that include: • Research, development, and support laboratories • Contractors responsible for designing, procuring, and building propulsion plant equipment • Shipyards that build, overhaul, and service the propulsion plants of nuclear-powered vessels • Navy support facilities and tenders • Nuclear power schools and naval reactors training facilities • Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Headquarters and field offices What part does Bechtel play in the NNPP? BPMI is a large network of engineers, contract professionals, logistics analysts, IT professionals, and other professional services personnel orga- nized into two basic functions: equipment and operations. Our workforce is responsible for the design, manufacturing, and procurement man- agement for the fabrication, testing, delivery, installation, and field support of high-quality nuclear power plant components for installation in submarines and aircraft carriers. BPMI sup- ports the operating fleet by providing upgraded and replacement components during refuel- ing and overhauls and provides information technology solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness. What is the relationship of BPMI to IPC? Since November 1999, BPMI has been an active participant in IPC task groups that develop new or revised standards related to the design, man- ufacture, inspection, and testing of instrumenta- tion and control (I&C) equipment. Why is BPMI involved with IPC? On June 29, 1994, Secretary of Defense Perry signed his policy, "Specifications and Stan- dards—A New Way of Doing Business," which dra- matically changed the way requirements would be written in acquisitions. BPMI, as a company, supports this initiative and has transitioned to the use of commercial specifications. BPMI is actively evaluating future opportunities to make the transition when the technical requirements of the commercial specifications are considered technically acceptable. BPMI recognized the advantages of using com- mercial specifications and determined that the IPC document development task groups have the necessary government and industry subject matter experts (SMEs) who collectively develop IPC standards that are viable for use by organiza- tions whose customers demand high-reliability product quality. " We work with our many partners to deliver and maintain safe, reliable, and cost-effective products that ensure the long-term viability of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP). "

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