IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 83 SUMMER 2024 Prior to the panel, we asked Susan to talk about the importance of the IPC event and why she wanted to be involved. Why did you accept the invitation to participate in the IPC Women in Engineering event? Susan Kayesar: I am passionate about encour- aging opportunities for open and honest discus- sion around this topic. I believe the only way to equalize the gender imbalance in this industry is by bringing it into the open and harnessing our collective creativity to the challenge. I am honored to have been asked to join this event. What makes this event so important? This is everyone's problem to fix. The gap is real, and we can't provide solutions if we don't even know the questions to ask. For example, how do we judge success? What is a gender-equivalent workplace? How can we improve the recruiting and interview process? How can we effectively provide mentors and support? How can we encour- age STEM education? Why is it important to have more women in this industry? Arbitrarily excluding the perspective and skills of 50% of the population is a losing proposition. What about your own career journey? Did you always aspire to be involved in engineering? Much of my childhood environment and education focused on critical thinking skills, technology, and science, so natu- rally, all I wanted to do was to be in the per- forming arts. My compromise was to major in biology. Only later, after retraining, did I enter the fascinating world of electronics. I haven't looked back since. What career advice can you offer to an emerging engineer? Do what you love and remember why you are doing it. Don't judge yourself harshly. Improve- ment is gradual and requires mistakes. Hard work pays off. Be kind. What has been your proudest career accomplishment to date? I am proud to have become a touchpoint of information for many people. ON DEMAND WEBINAR "Bold Breakthroughs: Women Reshaping the Engineering Landscape."

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