PCB007 Magazine


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16 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 the technology, and grow the business. I had previously worked at several larger PCB facil- ities, such as IBM, UCI Continental Circuits, Merix, and Coretec, so I had developed a good experience base that helped me develop a clear vision of what American Standard Circuits could be. We made a change early on: consolidating the two operations. is was an interesting experience since one was run like a mom-and- pop shop, and the other was a MIL-certified facility. Early on, we needed to navigate the clash of cultures. We then worked on improving and growing our technology. Our first challenge was imple- menting flex and rigid-flex PCBs. Since then we have been continuously engaged in improv- ing our technology offerings. From your perspective and professional experience as a business owner, what does it mean to "not only survive but thrive?" at is a phrase we oen use at ASC. So oen companies in our industry have been only focused on survival. Personally, I consider this a losing game of being reactive instead of pro- active. Nothing great comes out of just trying to survive. When you choose to thrive, it estab- lishes a vision for excellence and a posture of constant re-invention. To thrive, a company has to stay ahead of the pack. ey have to be not only better than the competition but better for the industry as well. ey must always have a long-term vision. As you look back, what has been key to your continuing to adapt and grow your business? What have you learned? First and foremost, our success has been driven by our people. eir teamwork and can- do attitude have been essential, allowing us to thrive. erefore, it is crucial to build a strong team and cultivate a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Another key factor in our growth has been technology. As we advance technologically, we attract more interest, gain more custom- ers, and see our business expand. We priori- tize listening to our customers to understand their current and future needs, and we strive to meet those needs. By being proactive, we oen let our customers shape our future stra- tegic directions. One of the key lessons I've learned is the value of marketing and the distinction between sales and marketing. e companies I previ- ously worked for didn't emphasize marketing; they relied on a "build it, and they will come" approach. However, at ASC, our exponential growth has been influenced by our extensive marketing efforts. From value-added content and newsletters to advertising and publishing focused e-books, all these activities have sig- nificantly enhanced our market presence and overall sales. What is your philosophy on change management? Has this changed for you as a business owner over the years? I have learned to trust my team. I not only lis- ten to them, but I also hear them. I solicit their opinions and ideas, and I incorporate them Anaya Vardya

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