PCB007 Magazine


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36 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Feature Article by Happy Holden I-CONNECT007 In a recent paper 1 at the SMTA Pan Pacific Strategic Electronics Symposium 2024, Auburn University professors highlighted their findings from their 2023 "Smart Manufacturing Adop- tion Study" Technical Report 23-01 2 . e paper emphasizes five points that are important for the adoption of advanced technologies: 1. Small- and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) face significant barriers to adopt- ing Industry 4.0 technologies, such as AI, due to a lack of awareness, proven business cases, and a skilled workforce. 2. e leading challenges for manufacturers in adopting smart technologies are having an operations workforce, operational efficiency, and the presence of an engi- neering workforce. 3. Forty percent of manufacturers rank auto- mation as their No. 1 technology solution, followed by 3D printing, sensors/IoT, and predictive analytics. AI is also gaining interest as a top technology solution. 4. AI and ML have various application areas in electronics manufacturing, including equipment reliability, quality improve- ment, cost reduction, demand forecasting, inventory optimization, and overall process efficiency. 5. e implementation of AI in electron- ics manufacturing is still in its early stages, with only 30% of companies believing they are generating value through AI applications. Technology Adoption and the Role of Automation

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