PCB007 Magazine


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Contents of this Issue


Page 77 of 109

78 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 greatly contributed to Alpha Circuit's growth and operational excellence. Marcy LaRont: Mike, let's talk about your part- nership with Alpha Circuit in building the new fabrication facility. Barry Matties recently toured Alpha's new facility, and Alpha CEO, Prashant Patel, took Barry through the jour- ney of standing up the facility from the lens of an industry outsider. Tell us about what you put into place for them. Mike Brask: When we started working with Alpha Circuit on its new facility, Prashant Feature Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 In this illuminating conversation with Mike Brask of IPS, we explore IPS's involvement in the transformative journey of Alpha Circuit. (To read full interview with Prashant Patel of Alpha Circuit, go to page 60.) Mike explains the strategic partnership between the two companies. He reveals the crucial decisions and investments that were made to improve their manufacturing capabili- ties, particularly in copper plating. e discus- sion also touches on the changing technologi- cal landscape, emphasizing IPS's commitment to innovation and client support, which has Thriving Through Partnership: Alpha Circuit's Journey With IPS

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