PCB007 Magazine


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18 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 into the company's vision and strategic direc- tion. A good manager is only as good as his team, and the team is only as good as he allows them to be. I strive to nurture my team to great- ness. e better they perform, the better our company performs. Management is all about empowerment. What philosophy or role model has been influential on your management style and your ability to be resilient? Andy Grove's Only the Paranoid Survive pro- foundly influenced my philosophy by instill- ing the importance of vigilance and adaptabil- ity in the face of change. His insights into stra- tegic inflection points emphasized that com- placency is a business's greatest enemy, and his experiences taught me that antici- pating and embracing change, rather than fear- ing it, is crucial for sus- tained success. His prin- ciple, "Success breeds complacency, and com- placency breeds failure," became a cornerstone of my approach, driving me to con- tinuously innovate and remain alert to shis in the environ- ment, ensuring long-term resil- ience and growth. You seem to have a solid grasp of positioning yourself in a dynamic market. Please discuss your strategy. We believe in "Collaborate to Win." is is the first thing we tell our customers and our suppliers. Our marketing campaign is ulti- mately tailored to educating the industry and discussing the interactions between designers and fabricators. e better we work together, the less painful it is for all parties. We leverage a robust digital presence, uti- lizing targeted online marketing campaigns, social media engagement, and informative content to reach and educate our audience. Our brand narrative highlights our commit- ment to innovation, customer service, and expertise, differentiating us from competi- tors. By fostering strong relationships with industry influencers and participating in key trade shows and conferences, we enhance our visibility and credibility. is comprehen- sive strategy enables us to adapt quickly to market changes, effectively communicate our value proposition, and maintain a competitive edge. What words of wisdom do you have for an individual or company that wants to thrive in the coming years? Have an open mind. Be open to new ideas and directions. Listen to your customers; they will tell you what they want. Try new things. Fail intel- ligently. If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying enough new things. Find your own way. Focus on your company and your com- pany's direction. Do not be influenced by what you hear. Do not ever let the news dictate where your company is going. Always move forward. Measure and then measure again. Let the facts—your data—dictate how your company is doing today and how that will influence how you will do in the future. Finally, as the company leader, be strong enough to listen to and trust your team- mates but also strong enough to clearly estab- lish your company's direction and vision. If you don't determine your future someone else will. PCB007 We believe in "Collaborate to Win." This is the first thing we tell our customers and our suppliers.

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