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30 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 we've been continually looking for people to join our team. Just when I feel we're at the right personnel level, I'm reminded we're not, and we are looking again. at said, we've been relatively successful in bringing people on board and retaining them. ere are three key areas we focus on to attract and retain good technical people: 1. Our job postings are honest. ey describe the most interest- ing aspects of the posi- tion, but we are bru- tally honest about the downsides, such as the travel involved. We insist that a can- didate take a couple of days to discuss the travel requirements with those people who are important to them. ey need to be part of the decision, or else it doesn't work. We've had more than a few great candi- dates decline our job offer aer think- ing about it over the weekend. We would much prefer they figure it out before they take the position rather than a year or two into the job. 2. Having mechanical or electrical compe- tence is a given, but technicians also need so skills. Technicians with good people and communication skills will be more successful and, therefore, more satisfied in the position. We spend a lot of time and effort figuring this out during the recruit- ment process. 3. Our technicians continually receive new training. Whether it's focused, on-the-job training shadowing our experienced tech- nicians or the once-per-year trip to the fac- tory in Germany, we put training at the top of our priority list for our employees. e job is rarely boring, and that helps our retention too. What are you most looking forward to over the next few years? Schmoll has always been a technology leader, whether it be with advanced back-drilling tech- niques for mechanical drill, or development of very fine line imaging systems. What will be really exciting going forward is to see how AI will accelerate further development. We are embracing AI in a big way, and I'm excited about new technologies coming down the pike that haven't even been thought of yet. I expect advances to come out at an even faster pace as we utilize AI. From a big-picture market perspective, we are in a period where the big influences are more geo-political than typical global supply and demand. Overall, PCB demand will continue to grow, but where will that demand come from? Where will the investment go, and how much will be influenced by politics? Will there be regions of over-supply, and how might that impact the overall market condition? Bottom line, I'm looking forward to more stability in the market. What advice do you have for anyone feeling fearful about changes ahead in our industry? What thoughts can you share with an indi- vidual or company that wants to thrive in the next decade? If I had to do it all over again and was start- ing right now, I'd jump in with both feet. e market is growing at 5% per year. Sure, there are crazy things happening that are out of our control, but the craziness is affecting many advanced industries across the globe, not just ours. ese are exciting times. But also, don't just get lost in the excitement; stay in tune with the market. ings are sure to change, and we will have to adapt. Kurt, great insight. Thank you. You're welcome. PCB007 I expect advances to come out at an even faster pace as we utilize AI.

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