PCB007 Magazine


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80 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Aer the line was installed, we stayed in close contact and worked through different technol- ogy issues as they were learning how to run the new shop. Lately, we've been working with them on increasing plating speeds and pro- viding alternative solutions, such as adjusting certain consumable parts which have allowed them to increase the ASF and reduce plating times. ey're just implementing those things now. We've been available days, nights, and weekends to support them when and where it's needed. In implementing an expansion, it is critical to have a supplier that will be there. Whether it's Prashant who calls me or any of his key people, they all get the same high level of attention and response. About a year ago, IPS had begun networking its equipment and offering data management to customers. Is this a high-demand area for IPS? Our customer base is evolving hard into that area. We have a significant advantage in that we don't subcontract our programming. So, when we get a challenging request like a customer wanting to query some specific data or tie into was transparent and resolute about his needs. Being new in the marketplace, he surrounded himself with an excellent team of professionals who provided insight into where he could save money and where he should spend it. Prashant replaced smaller pieces in his shop at lower costs using offshore buyers because he expected a shorter lifespan. He knew they would be easier to change out. Meanwhile, for a large, high-end plating line, he was encour- aged to use a U.S. manufacturer. He also still owned the older facility, Alpha Circuit One, which was running in parallel to this new facility being built. In that, he had a lot of dated equipment. Based on that, he knew copper plating was an area where Alpha Circuit needed to enhance its capabilities and where Prashant knew they needed a strong supplier partner. He selected IPS because we have a good reputation with bigger lines and, impor- tantly, the service and support that goes along with keeping something that large running. We right-sized the line for his shop, not just for his immediate needs, but for his future growth, putting in via fill and other high-end features that they are already taking advantage of. Mike Brask

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