PCB007 Magazine


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20 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 Lack of Standardization Like many tech-centric fields, the electron- ics field has been dominated by men, which has influenced maternity and paternity leave policies for decades. While some larger tech firms, such as Texas Instruments, offer com- prehensive maternity leave benefits, maternity leave policies across the industry vary substan- tially. is is seen as a lack of standardization regarding maternity leave benefits. For exam- ple, Google offers 18 weeks of paid maternity leave, while other companies offer less gen- erous (packages) or only m e e t t h e m i n i m u m legal requirements 1 . A report from the World E c o n o m i c F o r u m emphasizes that with- out standardized pol- icies, potential employ- ees might face uncertainty ab out the le vel of s up - por t they can expect to receive during the parenting phase 2 . Challenges Ma ny w o m e n i n t h e i n d u s t r y o f te n fear that taking mater- nity leave may result in a lack of career progression Navigating Maternity Leave in the Electronics Industry As my husband and I prepare to welcome our first child next month, we are navigating what maternity leave means in the electronics field. Although the field is high-tech and fast-paced, maternity leave remains an oen-underesti- mated issue. Policies and practices that sup- port working parents must also change to keep the electronics field a relevant, supportive, and inclusive work environment. The New Chapter by Hannah Grace, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS

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